Rintagi™ strives to give you all the benefits of cloud computing including:

No Capital Costs.
No need to spend money on hardware, software or licensing fees. Pay-As-You-Go monthly fee can come from your operating budget.
Improve Accessibility.
Access from anywhere and at any time. All you need is an internet connection.
Increased Storage.
Store more data than private computer systems.
Centralized Database.
Authorized personnel can access the same data worldwide.
Instant Scalability.
Ability to upgrade and downgrade at any time.
Environmentally Friendly.
Any unutilized resources are being redeployed for better use in a cloud hosting environment which is more efficient in reducing energy and equipment.

Rintagi™ has been proven to go far beyond the standard cloud infrastructure.
To ensure your successful cloud implementation, Rintagi™ 4D platform provides:

Enterprise Architecture.
Applications are all industry standard code and compiled to run on native Microsoft technology.
Bank-level Security.
IP blocking, encrypted password authentication and data transmission is just a few of the many ways we ensure robust and record-level security that is trusted by our banking clients.
Point-and-Click Development.
Build your own application at anytime, anywhere, and from any browser with no coding.
Dynamic Changes.
Each user can be configured dynamically to access their data the way they want it; User interface, etc. can also be changed online and instantly display results.
One-Click Deployment.
It makes frequent and incremental changes possible by ensuring each deployment is a success every time (within seconds).
Fanatic Support.
Our North American-based support team is fully dedicated to your success in building and operating your applications.

For more than 10 years, Rintagi™ 4D platform has been proven and trusted by many reputable multi-nationals. One of the Rintagi™ built applications is currently managing billions of dollars of assets in North America and this mission-critical application. It has recently been upgraded by the latest Rintagi™ 4D platform and uses the most advanced user interfaces and technology.

Rintagi™ has been proven again recently. A Rintagi™ built inventory application, managing four warehouses, was implemented in the cloud in less than three (3) man months. Similar to our current customers using Rintagi™ technology, you may double your orders, become more efficient, and be able to focus on your core business initiatives.